Arnold+Sukroso Double Feature

This week, we’re finally starting our one-man band double feature. Robin Sukroso is a musician who I’ve met some years ago at Hans & Gloria Festival, and we’ve played a couple of shows together. He plays a Breedlove Black Magic acoustic guitar which he enhanced himself with force-sensing resistor trigger pads (FSRs). Using these, he […]

Concert in Cluj

At the end of my tour in October, I went to Cluj, Romania. I was invited by Deutsches Kulturzentrum Klausenburg to play a solo concert at Boiler Club, which is located in the basement of the Fabrica de Pensule, a nice place with lots of studios and galleries in one old factory bulding. The night […]

Drum Trigger Setup

This time I will try to explain how my MIDI drum trigger system works. As you might have seen in the videos (or live), I am trying to control as many functions as possible using my drumsticks, thus creating an interactive electronic instrument around my drumset. While it will take a larger number of posts […]