Not only that we have landed on Mars again, discovered the Higgs Boson and found out that a flimsy optical cable can speed up Neutrinos. There also has been written an article about my album artwork which features the stylish TJ Evolette A display font:
Fonts In Use: Interstellar Getaway (photos © Timo Titzmann & Jakob Runge)
And I got a lot of nice reviews for the music: Jazz-House-Schule on, Der Einsame Reisende im Weltraum on and even Noisy Neighbours seem to really like the album in their #36 edition.
In September, I will finally start for another short but exciting Germany Tour. If you’re interested in a hands-on explanation of my setup, come to my Remix Lab Session at #a2n_werkstatt during the Berlin Music Week. I will play an experimental setup together with Steve Pfaff on bass and Bernhard Range on Samples.