Fly To Mars

Today’s concert at Magnet Club will be the last one with the usual setup. There are a lot of new things coming up that will radically change the running system. The first thing to happen will be the shift of my whole audio processing to a digital mixer and an all-integrating Max patch. I’m also […]

New Album: Interstellar Getaway

Today is not only Towel Day, but also the release of my third album “Interstellar Getaway”. It’s supposed to be an astronaut’s soundtrack, travelling in his spaceship between the Planets of nearby solar systems. It was recorded at Tricone Studios located in Funkhaus Berlin and mixed by Guy Sternberg in his analog Low Swing Studio. […]

Concert in Cluj

At the end of my tour in October, I went to Cluj, Romania. I was invited by Deutsches Kulturzentrum Klausenburg to play a solo concert at Boiler Club, which is located in the basement of the Fabrica de Pensule, a nice place with lots of studios and galleries in one old factory bulding. The night […]